Vb net 2010 sample projects windows 7#
O Windows 7 Training Kit For Developers & Windows 7 Online Training * O See Also: Hello MEF in Silverlight 4 and VB! Blog* O Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) Samples NET 4 Training Kit and VB Samples -> Language directory*
Vb net 2010 sample projects code#
O Static Code Analysis MSDN Help Documentation O Visual Studio Start Page Customization Template O SharePoint 2010 Developer Training Kit * O Open XML SDK 2.0 Samples for Microsoft Office O Office 2010 Training Course Hands-On-Labs ( Channel9, Download) O See Also: Silverlight QuickStarts, Silverlight Video Code Downloads, Silverlight 4 Tutorials, Silverlight Toolkit Samples, Blog Tutorials ( SL HyperVideo | Silverlight/MEF/HVP | Project Turing RIA Services | Project Turing Multiple Tables | Silverlight TDD | MVVM )* O Silverlight 4 Application Themes Including Visual Basic Templates O Visual Basic Windows Phone 7 Tutorials ( Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) O Windows Phone 7 Development For Absolute Beginners on Channel 9 O Free ebook: “Programming Windows Phone 7, by Charles Petzold” – VB Code Samples ( direct) O Visual Basic Code Samples for Windows Phone O Visual Basic for Windows Phone Developer Tools – RTW See anything missing? Please file a request on the VB code wishlist, where we’re collecting suggestions for future VB code samples, and we’ll do our best to make it available! Please try them out and spread the word! You can also find a list of code samples posted on the Visual Basic Developer Center. Below is a list of code examples that have been made available for Visual Basic in recent months. In addition to product support, this also includes sample resources. Microsoft is committed to making all of our technologies equally accessible from both VB & C#, as part of the C#/VB Co-Evolution strategy. One of the top requests we hear from the Visual Basic community is for more code examples.